- Large refrigeration cold rooms, refrigerated warehouses
Capacity Range
Unit coolers: EMEA from 8,2 to 149 kW
Unit coolers: APAC please contact us
Commercial Coolers General Catalog (English, German, Russian)
Commercial Coolers General Catalog (Italian, French, Spanish)
Commercial Coolers Product Overview Brochure
CO2 Commercial Coolers Product Overview Brochure
Technical Manual
Declaration Of Incorporation – Test Certificate
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Commercial Coolers General Catalog (Chinese)
Technical Manual
CDC Specifications
Range consist of 69 customizable models
According to the room temperature the range is divided as follows:
- CDC E4 – A4 for higher temperatures (≥ +2 °C), with 4 mm fin spacing
- CDC E6 – A6 for medium temperatures (≥ –15 °C), with 6 mm fin spacing, electric defrost version (ED) is recommended
- CDC E8 – A8 for lower temperatures (≥ –35 °C), with 8,5 mm fin spacing, equipped with electric defrost (ED)
On request the models can be equipped with non-standard coils, defrosting and fan motors
Coil Features
Fan Motors
- Ø 500 mm
- fan motor module: from 1 to 4
- external rotor
- three-phase 400V/3/50 Hz
- epoxy coated steel fan guard
- Ø 630 mm
- fan motor module: from 1 to 4
- external rotor
- three-phase 400V/3/50-60 Hz
- epoxy coated steel fan guard
The optional high efficiency EC fan motors have the following features:
- Ø 500 mm
- fan motor module: the same as AC fan motors
- external rotor
- three-phase 400V/3/50 Hz
- epoxy coated steel fan guard
- Ø 630 mm
- fan motor module: the same as AC fan motors
- external rotor
- three-phase 400V/3/50 Hz
- epoxy coated steel fan guard
- CE
Published Data
- CDC E4 - A4: CO2 refrigerant; air inlet temperature 4 °C; evaporating temperature –4 °C; TD 8 K.
- CDC E6 - A6: CO2 refrigerant; air inlet temperature 0 °C; evaporating temperature –8 °C; TD 8 K.
- CDC E8 - A8: CO2 refrigerant; air inlet temperature –25 °C vaporating temperature –33 °C; TD 8 K.